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Bundubeard's Goede Hoop Mutton Tallow/Plant Oil Base Shave Soap 5.6 oz

Bundubeard's Goede Hoop Mutton Tallow/Plant Oil Base Shave Soap 5.6 oz

SKU: Goede Hoop Soap
Excluding Sales Tax

South Africa, similar to many other countries consists of a wide range of cultures, races, and communities that have all developed, not only individually but also as a nation. We have all played a part in contributing to what we are as a country today, our diversity and origin are something to be celebrated, cherished, and preserved, and we need to be proud of who we are and where we are going. The history of the Afrikaners starts in 1652, when the VOC started a Dutch colony in the Cape, these were times of adventure and wild discoveries, bold actions, and daring feats. Three ships namely De Goede Hoop, Drommedaris, and Reijger landed on the southernmost tip of Africa to spark the birth of a people, and this is their story; Their sweet notes are sung into your nostrils, their soapy adventures are mapped into the lathery tracks on your cheeks, the best part of this journey is definitely in the journey, it is almost disappointing when you arrive at chisel-smooth-face-port-of-call....but rest assured, at least you can repeat this journey again and again and again.

Much like our country, this soap can change without losing its identity, it will grow and develop to become a product of its experiences and interactions, and all who share this journey have the opportunity to shape its destiny, if there is one thing Saffers has learned, it is that it is up to us to shape the future, no one person has the ability or skill to steer the ship to greater destinations.

'De Goede hoop' is the standard 'Old Spice' fragrance from years gone by, so we suspect we will keep this one the same, but there are also no rules here. do you want it stronger, lighter, add some talc, maybe some musk? You may even suggest something a bit whacky, a menthol component, a floral attribute, or adding in some earthy notes, if your quest is to take a classic and make it better, this is your chance!

As set out in the summary of this collection page, sheep/lamb tallow has qualities different from that of beef tallow, it is a new avenue we have strolled into and we will continue to explore and experiment with it. For now, we do not anticipate any changes to the base formulation, but there may be some cosmetic changes in terms of color and appearance. Please do try this new product and leave detailed reviews, the more we get the better know which way to steer the ship, it is a great shaving soap base, but chances are it may very well be improved upon, and recipes can be adjusted in millions of ways, and it is unlikely we have found the best possible base in the first few tries, with your help this one may venture into the hallowed halls of tallow titans.

Ingredients: Mutton tallow, H20, Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Hydroxide, Stearic Acid, Castor oil, Kalahari Melon oil, Virgin cold pressed Coconut oil, right off the tree, fragrance oils and essential oils. 

**Discontinue if any irritation occurs. For external use only.**


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