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It all began last year when I grew tired of dealing with razor burn, irritation, and ingrown hairs from using a cartridge razor. One evening, I turned to YouTube to figure out where I was going wrong, and that's when I stumbled upon a channel called Ohio Shaves.


David Martin, who goes by the name Ohio Shaves, completely revolutionized my shaving routine. His video introduced me to the concept of shaving with a double-edge safety razor. Intrigued, I decided to purchase one for myself. Admittedly, the first time I used the DE razor was quite a bloody affair, resembling scenes from a horror film. However, once I got the hang of it, I was completely hooked and haven't touched a cartridge razor since.


After a few weeks of using the safety razor with generic shaving cream from a can, I delved deeper into the world of wet shaving via various YouTube videos and found out about shave soap. From there, I fell down the rabbit hole of artisan shaving products. These high-quality soaps, splashes, and balms transformed shaving from a dreaded chore into a relaxing ritual at the end of a long day. As I explored different brands of wet shaving products, I also investigated the hardware side – razors, brushes, and bowls.


This paved the way for the creation of my website. I began crafting shave bowls, brushes, and other wet shaving hardware using 3D printing technology and found that I had developed a high-performing product. One day, I heard about a company called Bundubeard while watching Monday Morning Mailbag on YouTube and decided to try their products. Despite realizing that the products were not available in the United States and were being shipped from South Africa, I was so impressed with them that I resolved to introduce the brand to the U.S. market. I reached out to Jaco, the South African gentleman behind the brand, and successfully convinced him to let me retail his products in the United States. With his agreement, I placed my first order, marking the beginning of Sharpe Shaver.

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